Member Application Please complete the application with as much detail as possible. It will be used for our database, as well as your webpage listing (a great marketing opportunity). You can pay your membership by check, cash or credit card/debit card online. Step 1: Member Info Step 2: Additional Info Step 3: Primary Contact Step 4: Billing Contact Step 5: Membership Options Step 1: Member Info Company Name * Please add your company name. Leave Blank Phone * Please add your company phone number. Website Email * Please add a valid email. Physical Address Address line 1 * Please add your address. Address line 2 Country * Choose... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Please add your country. City * Please add your City. State * Choose... Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated States of Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Please add your State. State * Choose... Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Please add your State. State * Please add your State. Postal Code * Please add your Postal Code. Mailing Address Same as physical address Address line 1 * Please add your address. Address line 2 Country * Choose... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Please add your country. City * Please add your City. State * Choose... Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated States of Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Please add your State. State * Choose... Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Please add your State. State * Please add your State. Postal Code * Please add your Postal Code. Social Network Addresses LinkedIn Facebook Twitter reddit YouTube Pinterest Instagram Step 2: Additional Info Business Description (225 char max) * Please add your company description. Business Keywords * (enter a space between words) Please add your business keywords. Directory Category * Choose... Abstracts Accountants Acupuncture Acupuncture Adjusters/Insurance Advertising Agricultural Consultant Agricultural Organizations Air Conditioning & Refrig Services Air Line Companies Airbnb Airport Alarm Systems Alpacas Ambulance Services Animal Shelter Antiques Apartment Complex Apparel Architects Architecturall Restoration Materials Art Gallery, Framing, Artists Artisan/Artist Arts-Performing Association Attorneys Auctioneer Author Auto Body Repair Auto Glass Repair Auto Parts & Supplies Auto Repair Automobile Sales, Service and Rental Bait & Tackle Bakeries Banks-Financial Institutions Baskets Beauty & Barber Shops Beauty Consultant Bed & Breakfast Beverage Distributors Blacksmith Boat Rental Bottled Water Bowling Lanes Brewery Bridal Services Building Supplies Stores Business Consulting Business Services Campgrounds Camps/Cottages/Cabins Canoe Rental Car Dealer Software Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Casino Catering Cellular Devices and Service Chamber of Commerce Charter Guide Child Day Care Chiropractors Churches Churches - Personal Services Cidery Cinemas Civic & Social Organization Cleaning Services Clergy Clothing-Retail Clubs Coffeehouse/Roasters Collection Agencies Colleges/Universities Communications Community Organizations Computer Consultant Computer Sales & Services Construction Construction - Home Services Construction Equipment Consultants Contracting Contractors Residential & Commercial Convenience Store Copying Service Cosmetics Curb Service Custom Cabinetry Dairy Equipment Sales & Service Deli Delivery Dentists Dentists - Personal Services Digital Marketing Direct Sales Business Distillery Distillery Distribution Center Diving Dog Boarding Kennel Dog Park Dog Sled Tours Drainage Drug Stores Economic Development Education Educational Services Elected Officials Electrical Construction Electrical Contracting Electricians Electronics & Audio Employee Benefits Employment Agencies Energy Services Engineers Entertainment Entrepreneur Event Location Exhibition Services Eye Care Eye Care - Personal Services Farm & Farm Services Farm Supplies & Services Farm-to-Table Farmer's Market Federal/State/County Fertilizer & Seed Financial Services Fire Department Fireworks Fishing Charter Fitness Florist-Nurseries Food Advocacy Food Trucks Forestry-Forest Management Fragrance, Flavor and Bodycare Frozen Yogurt Shop Fuel Delivery Funeral Homes Furnance Installation & Repair Furniture Dealers Gas Stations Gas-Retail General Store Gift Baskets Gift, Craft, Hobby Shops Goat Products Golf Courses Gourmet Foods Government Contracting Government/ Town Village Graphic Design Greenhouse/Produce Stand Grocery Store Guide Services Hair Salon Hand Crafted Soap Handcrafted Candles Handmade Fabric Items Handmade Skin Care Products Hardware Stores Health Food Store Health Services Hemp grower/product sales Herbal Food Creations Historical Assoc History Home Health Care Home Inspection Company Homemade Dog Biscuits Honey Producers Horseback Trail Rides Hospital Administration Hospitals Hospitals - Personal Services Hotels/Motels Hotels/Motels - Event Planning Housing and Apartment Rentals Housing Grants Housing-Senior Citizen Human Services Humane Society/Pets Hunting Independent Contractor Industries Insurance Insurance Agencies Insurance, Health Interactive Mystery Gaming Interior Decorator International Film Festival Internet Services Jewelers Jewelry, Handmade Kayak Rental Land Surveyor Landscaping Lawn & Garden Center Libraries Lightning Protection Lilac Nursery Liquor Stores Locksmith Lumber Yards, Saw Mills, Logging Machinery Services Manufacturers Maple Syrup Producer Marina Marketing Medical Supplies & Equipment Medical Warehouse Miniature Golf Mobile Rust Control Moving, Storage & Delivery Services Municipal Water/Sewer Museums/Historical Preservation Group Music NATC Nature Preserve Newspapers Not For Profit Office Equipment and Supplies Office Management Services Oil Companies Opera House Orchard Organic Teas Organizations Paddle Boards Rental Paper Productions Paving Products/Services Pet Friendly Pet Services Pet Services - Personal Services Pharmacy Photographer Photographers - Event Planning Physical Therapy Physical Therapy - Personal Services Physicians Physicians - Personal Services Plowing Plumbing Postal Services Poultry Farm and Processer Printers/Graphics Private Investigator Product Demonstrator Propane Delivery Propane Sales Property Rental Property Service Pub & Grill Publishing Radio Stations Railroad Work Real Estate Services Recording Services Recreation Recreation Club Recycling Rehabilitation & Assisted Living Residential General Contractor Restaurants Restaurants - Event Planning Retail Gourmet Store Retail Rose Nursery Retail Stores Retired RV Sales & Service Sand & Gravel Schools Screen Printing Self Storage Shipping Pilot-St. Lawrence Shooting Ranges Shopping Center Shredding Signs Skilled Nursing Small Engine Repair Solar Energy Designer & Installer Solar Powered Battery Back-up Systems Sound Systems Spa Speech Therapy Sporting Goods State Certified MWBE Summer Camp Management Take-Out Taverns Tax Preparers Telecommunications Telephone Systems and Services Tent Rentals Testing & Measurement Equipment Theaters Title Insurance Tourism Partner Towing/Wrecker Transportation Travel Agency Tree Services Trophies, Banners Truck Parts and Services Trucking TV Stations Unions Urgent Care Utilities Vacation Rentals Vending Machines Vendor Veterinarian Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Waste Water Dispensers Water Treatment Web Site Design/Development Wellness Retreat Wholesale Local Vegetable Distribution Wildlife Pest Control Wine Stores Wine Trail Wine Trail Tours Winery Women's Club Woodcarving Please select a directory category. Full-time Employees * Please add your number of full-time employees. Part-time Employees * Please add your number of part-time employees. IF YOU WERE REFERRED BY A MEMBER, WHICH MEMBER. (If you were not referred by a member reply NONE) * Looks good! Help us, Help you: Provide any other relevant information the Chamber staff should know about your business. If you are a Multi-Business Member (more than 1 membership), please list the name of those additional businesses here to receive a $50 discount on your membership. NOTE: Select ''Bill Me'' option in Step 5 to allow the chamber to verify and create the invoice accordingly. Receive Newsletters * Choose... Recieve email newsletter Receive Hard Copy newsletter Looks good! Applicant E-signature: type name * Looks good! Step 3: Primary Contact First Name * Please add your first name. Last Name * Please add your last name. Title * Please add your title. Phone * Please add your phone number. Cell Phone Fax Email * Please add a valid email. Contact Preference Email Phone Address Same as Address in Step 1 Address line 1 * Please add your address. Address line 2 Country * Choose... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Please add your country. City * Please add your City. State * Choose... Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated States of Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Please add your State. State * Choose... Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Please add your State. State * Please add your State. Postal Code * Please add your Postal Code. Social Network Addresses LinkedIn Facebook Twitter reddit YouTube Pinterest Instagram Create Account This Login is already in use Login * Please add your login username. Password * Please add your login password. Step 4: Billing Contact Same as Primary Contact First Name * Please add your first name. Last Name * Please add your last name. Title * Please add your title. Phone * Please add your phone number. Cell Phone Fax Email * Please add a valid email. Contact Preference Email Phone Address Same as Primary Contact Address Address line 1 * Please add your address. Address line 2 Country * Choose... Afghanistan Albania Algeria Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Bermuda Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Caribbean Chile China Colombia Congo (DRC) Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latin America Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Macedonia, FYRO Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Please add your country. City * Please add your City. State * Choose... Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated States of Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Please add your State. State * Choose... Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Please add your State. State * Please add your State. Postal Code * Please add your Postal Code. Social Network Addresses LinkedIn Facebook Twitter reddit YouTube Pinterest Instagram Create Account This Login is already in use Login * Please add your login username. Password * Please add your login password. Step 5: Membership Package Please select a Membership Package Courtesy Tourism Listing *This option does NOT provide full membership benefits. This option offers a website listing with your Business Name, Address, and Phone Number only. Businesses must meet tourism industry eligibility requirements to be approved for this option. For more information, contact Tif Amo, Director of Tourism, at Annual Membership (1-10 employees) $ 150 Annual Membership (11- 49 Employees) $ 250 Annual Membership (50-99 Employees) $ 360 Annual Memberhip (100-249 Employees) $ 525 Annual Membership (250-499 Employees) $ 745 Annual Membership (500+ Employees) $ 855 Annual Membership Non-Profit (1-10 employees) $ 100 Proof of charities bureau # must be provided before membership can be approved. Donor/Non-Business Annual Membership Associates (Individual/Retiree) $75 $ 75 *Associate Membership is for individuals who do not own nor are employed by, nor represent a business or organization, but who wish to be involved with the Chamber for their own personal benefit and/or in support of the Chamber. (These individuals are often retirees or individuals seeking to make a supportive donation to the Chamber.) Associate memberships do not provide the full range of benefits that come with a business membership. Business membership benefits that are NOT included in the Associate level are the online profile, a listing on the Chamber’s website and business directory, advertising and marketing benefits, use of the bulk mail stamp, certificates of origin, and member discounts. Associate members are eligible to receive the Chamber’s communications and attend Chamber events. Those wanting to make additional contributions, please contact the Chamber at Leadership Circle Membership - Platinum Level $ 4,500 Leadership Circle Membership - Gold Level $ 3,500 Leadership Circle Membership - Silver Level $ 2,000 Additional Options: Annual Enhanced Listing (optional) $50 one time The Enhanced Listing enables you to greater marketing benefits through your business listing. Payment Option Bill Me Charge my credit or debit card Please complete the Captcha Back Next Submit Application Print Application