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Canton AreaClifton-Fine Area Colton AreaGouverneur AreaMassena AreaOgdensburg AreaPotsdam Area go Results Found: 20 Button group with nested dropdown Josie's Little Pizzeria Member Josie's Little Pizzeria 25 Main St Canton NY 13617 (315) 386-3736 Jake's On The Water Member Jake's On The Water 5726 Highway 56 Hannawa Falls NY 13647 (315) 274-9300 Johnston's Water Member Johnston's Water 9772 NY 56 Massena NY 13662 (315) 322-4300 Jernabi Coffeehouse Member Jernabi Coffeehouse 11 Maple St Potsdam NY 13676 (315) 274-9400 Johnstown Duty Free Shop Member Johnstown Duty Free Shop 1028 Hwy 16 Prescott ON K0E 1T0 (613) 925-1024 Junkchique Member Junkchique 145 Market Street Seacomm Plaza Potsdam NY 13676 (315) 212-0889 J E Sheehan Contracting Corp Member J E Sheehan Contracting Corp 208 Sissonville Rd Potsdam NY 13676 (315) 265-8427 JC's River Run Member JC's River Run 17 Bowling Court Waddington NY 13694 (315) 388-4462 J & M Pens Member J & M Pens 669 County Route 5 Dickinson Center NY 12930 (315) 244-6987 Jocko's Bar & Grill Jocko's Bar & Grill DeGrasse NY 13629 (315) 562-2393 Jreck Subs - Ogdensburg Jreck Subs - Ogdensburg 2900 Ford St. Ex. Ogdensburg NY 13669 (315) 393-8443 J & W Diving Service J & W Diving Service 349 E. Orvis St. Massena NY 13662 (315) 769-8112 Jelly Bean's Riverside Campground LLC Jelly Bean's Riverside Campground LLC P O Box 335 Brasher Falls NY 13613 (315) 389-4771 Jreck Subs - Governeur Jreck Subs - Governeur Corner of Gordon and Main Gouverneur NY 13642 (315) 287-4448 Jackson's Deli Jackson's Deli 4787 Highway 812 Heuvelton NY 13654 (315) 344-4065 Jreck Subs - Canton Jreck Subs - Canton 82 Main St. Canton NY 13617 (315) 379-9221 Jreck Subs - Massena Jreck Subs - Massena 269 E Orvis Massena NY 13662 (315) 769-2210 Jacques Cartier State Park Jacques Cartier State Park 251 Old Mills Rd. Brier Hill NY 13614 (315) 375-6371 Jreck Subs - Potsdam Jreck Subs - Potsdam 61 Market St. Potsdam NY 13676 (315) 265-2222 Jerry's Outdoor Outfitters Jerry's Outdoor Outfitters Ogdensburg NY 13669 (518) 569-9095