Date and Time
Saturday Sep 17, 2022 Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sat and Sun Sept 17 and 18, 10-4 each day
651 SH 310 Canton NY
Free admission. We will follow current protocol for Covid.
Contact Information
Nancey Brackett at mycornerstudio55@gmail.com
Send Email

Silversmith and lapidary artist Nancey Brackett will open her studio for the weekend of Sept 17 and 18. Stop by to see how things are made, do some shopping, ask about commissions, and visit with my six guest artists. Joining me are Dennis Delrossi- woodworking, Vicki Day- hand turned pens and more, Regan Defranza - handmade paper and books, Melanie Kimbler- photos, painted fun and funky furniture, wall quilts, Kathy Montan- felt works and felt paintings, and Cait Throop- weaving and fluid art. Come support local artists and start your holiday shopping!
