Date and Time
Wednesday Jul 3, 2024 Thursday Jul 4, 2024
Norwood, NY
Fireman's Field: Morgan Street
Fireman's Station: 2 Bernard Avenue (Cross section of CR 56)
Village Green: Behind the Fireman's Station
Various pricing & suggested donations included within event details
Contact Information
Norwood Volunteer Fire Department Contact: Jess Grant;
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Celebrate Independence in Norwood with TWO fun filled days of events featuring fireworks by the Norwood Volunteer Fire Department, a demolition derby, block dance, and their annual parade with special performances!
Wednesday, July 3
- 7pm - 9pm: Norwood Brass Fireman performing on the Norwood Village Green
- 9pm - Midnight: Block Dance Party at the Fire Station Parking Lot featuring the band Plan B. Hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, french fries, adult beverages, and soft drinks for purchase. ($2 admission)
- 10am - 5pm: Bounce Houses on the Village Green. 1 wet, 1 dry. ($5 per child for the full day access. $3 per child from 3PM - takedown)
- 10am - 5pm: Mountain Express Locomotive Train Rides at the Village Green ($5 ride per person)
- 12pm - 3pm: Face Painting by Belly Buttons the Clown on the Village Green (with donation)
- 1pm: Parade begins at the Norwood American Legion *route below
- 2pm: Demolition Derby at the Fireman's Field ($5 per person, children under 10 enter for free)
- Dusk: Fireworks Display at the Fireman's Field. Donation jars available at the 711 and Dollar General on the night of the fireworks. Help support funding the Norwood FD and 2024 celebrations!
- Route: Line up begins at the Norwood American Legion and heads north on Outer Maple St., right Spring St., right no S Main Main St., left on Bicknell St., right on Morgan St. Floats disband on Whitney St. and the remaining of the parade will conclude at the Fireman's Field.
- 2024 Parade Theme: Independence Day
- Special Performances By: Brockville Pipes and Drums*, and DownBeat Percussion* (The Buffalo Bills' official drumline!) *Also performing at the Fireman's Field after the parade.
- Admission: $5 per person, children under 10 enter for free
- Food available for purchase by the Norwood Fire Dept.
- 8:30am - 12:30pm: Register at the Fireman's Field, $30 per Derby Car
- A Youth Driver Class is available for ages 10-14
- Anyone participating that is not the driver of the car must pay $4 event admission
The Fireman's Field on Morgan St., on the top of the hill along S Main St./CR 56 (near the 711), and on the Village Green behind the Fire Station.