Date and Time
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Ogdensburg History Museum
206 Ford St., Ogdensburg, NY
Free and open to the public
Contact Information
Julie Madlin;
Send Email

The Ogdensburg History Museum is proud to announce a series of classes to learn about the U.S. Constitution. The classes will be held once a month and are open to ages 12 and up.
The next class will be held on Saturday, April 20th from 11am-12pm at the museum located at 206 Ford St. You do not need to attend every class. The instructor for the class is Susan Weidler and the class is sponsored by Swe-Kat-Si Daughters of the American Revolution. Refreshments will be served and participants will receive certificates and recognition during Constitution Week in September.
Led by Susan Weidler, Home School Communication Educator, Sally Hartman, Regent of the Swe-kat-si Chapter NSDAR and retired Art Instructor: Design and Drawing Professor Mater Dei College, and Canton College and Julie Madlin, City Historian and retired Social Studies teacher.
For more information about the classes, please contact Sally Hartman at